The Milky Way as seen in the Appalachian Mountain Range, West Virginia. ウェストバージニア州アパラチア山脈で見た天の川。 2015.09.19 I went with a friend to Lake Hudson State Recreational Area, near Clayon MI. It was only five miles from Ohio! Testing a new Tokina 11-16mm f/2.8 lens I had purchased off eBay, I took a few pictures of the night sky. […]
Product Packaging in the DPRK

A small glimpse of the diversity of products domestically produced in the DPRK. In addition to simple food stuffs, I was able to purchase goods such as make up and other beauty products, candies, herbal products, agricultural products, pencils, pens, and other small daily goods. A few glimpses into the lackings of North Korean light […]
Faces of the DPRK

Faces of the DPRK by Yunchen Tian is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
DPRK- Air Koryo

I arrived in Pyongyang on August 12th, but the story really begins a bit before that. It begins really with Air Koryo, one of the only ways to enter the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. The DPRK has only one major rail artery, which crosses into China at Sinuiju/Dandong, and few road crossings along the […]

The Charm of Old Tianjin Recently, I went on a very impromptu trip to Tianjin, a major metropolitan area rather close to Beijing. Feeling a need to just get out of the house and do something, I left home at 4 in the morning and took the first train out. Located on the Bohai and straddling major […]